Lavender oil

Lavender oil



Trade nomination of the preparation: lavender oil
Registration status in the Russian Federation:
Registration code:

Drug formulation: essential oil

Types of action and indications for use:
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.
In cosmetology - apply at all kind of acneiform rash, eczema, chaps, for irritated and inflamed skin, prevent from scar formation, soften the after-effect of insects' bites and sunburns.
For room aromatization and disinfection, and clothes - gives pleasant aroma and protect wool, fur and silk clothes from moth.

Contra indications and side effects:
Allergic response.

Posology and method of administration:
Hot inhalations:
Put 1-3 drops of lavender oil in hot water capacity, cover with the towel and breathe steam deeply during 5-7 minutes.
Room aromatization:
4-6 drops of lavender oil to 15 м2
Put 3-6 drops of essential oil of oil composition in water (36-38ºС), previously mix oils with 1 table-spoon of emulsifying agent (milk, honey, marine or boiled salt). Duration of procedure is 10-20 minutes.
Compress: Put 1 drop of essential oil in warm water (1 cup), than put into the water cotton cloth, squeeze slightly, put and fix it by dry thin cloth. Duration of the procedure is 5-40 minutes.
Massage: 5 drops to 10 g. of transport oil.
Enrichment of cosmetics:
4 drops to 10 g. of cosmetics.

Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:
Lavender oil is good antiseptic and it produces the ability to assistance in wound healing. Aromatherapy manuals recommend to apply lavender oil for de-stress and at gastritis disorders.

Additional information:
The main oil components are alcohol L-linalool ester and acids (acetic, butyric, valerian and caproic). Moreover it includes caryophyllene, geraniol, lavandiol, borneol and others.

Retail sale:
Chemist shop of the Moscow pharmaceutical factory (there is a production homoeopathic department in the chemist shop)
Address: Moscow, 4th Voikovskii passage, 10 (near metro station Voikovskaya)
Phone: (499) 150-88-51; (499) 150-44-65
Network of pharmacies:
«Capital chemist shops» (495) 627-05-61
«Old physician» (495) 380-00-38
«Samson-pharma» (495) 917-03-21, 237-44-49, 913-99-66, 320-30-59, 203-20-81, 628-46-92, 251-22-27, 741-48-97, 624-70-48
«Rigla» (495) 730-27-30
«Geksal» (495) 980-52-62
«Zempharm» (495) 980-22-80
«TRiKa» (495) 789-62-63
and other chemist shops


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