



Trade nomination of the preparation: Corvalol-MFF

Manufacturing enterprise, country
Mospharma, Russia, Moscow, Pharmaceutical passage, 1

Registration code:
Drug formulation: drops for oral administration.

Ether of a- Diethyl ether a-bromisovalerianic acid - 2,15 g.
Phenobarbital - 1,96 g.
Acrid natron - 0,34 g.
Peppermint oil - 0,15 g.
Ethyl alcohol 96% rectificative - 50,30 g.
Treated water - up to 100,0 g.

Types of action and indication for use:
Functional disorders of cardiovascular systems, neurosis-like state, followed by acrimony, insomnia, tachycardia, excitatory state with expressed vegetative presentation; enterospasms.

Contra indications and side effects:
Hypersensitization to formulation constituent; expressed renal and liver function compromise.
In some cases in is possible of having a feeling of slight vertigo in daylight.

Posology and method of administration:
Adults apply by 15-30 drops three times a day before meals. It is possible to increase the single dose to 40-50 drops having tachycardia.
Children apply by 3-15 drops per day depending on the age and the clinical picture of the disease.
Posology and duration of use is settled up by a physician.

Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:
Complex drug. Phenobarbital has sedative and slight soporific effect, it is conductive to decrement of cerebrospinal axis arousal and helps to have natural sleep.
Diethyl ether a-bromisovalerianic acid has a sedative and spasmolytic functioning.
Pepper mint oil has vasolidating and spasmolytic actions.
Method of administration of the preparation during pregnancy or breast-feeding is possible only with strict indications and is settled up by a physician.
While administration it is not recommended to take up with the activity connected with increased attention and required prompt psychic and motor responses.
At prolong application it is possible of form of medicinal dependence; accumulation of bromide in the organism, which accompanied with the following symptoms: depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypotaxia.

Retail sale:
Chemist shop of the Moscow pharmaceutical factory (there is a production homoeopathic department in the chemist shop)
Address: Moscow, 4th Voikovskii passage, 10 (near metro station Voikovskaya)
Phone: (499) 150-88-51; (499) 150-44-65
Network of pharmacies:
«Capital chemist shops» (495) 627-05-61
«Old physician» (495) 380-00-38
«Samson-pharma» (495) 917-03-21, 237-44-49, 913-99-66, 320-30-59, 203-20-81, 628-46-92, 251-22-27, 741-48-97, 624-70-48
«Rigla» (495) 730-27-30
«Geksal» (495) 980-52-62
«Zempharm» (495) 980-22-80
«TRiKa» (495) 789-62-63
and other chemist shops


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