Manufacturing enterprise: Russian representative office Deutsche Homoopathie-Union, DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Where to buy:
Registration code: П № 013317/01 of 14.03.2007
Trade nomination of the preparation: Cinnabsin
Drug formulation: pills
Manufacturing enterprise:
Deutsche Homeopathy-Union,
DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG
Germany, 76227 Karlsruhe,
Ottostrasse 24
Doctor Wilmar Schwabe GmbH Co. KG, Germany
1pill (250 mg.) contains:
Active components: Cinnabaris D3 25 mg., Hydrastis D3 25 mg., Kalium bichromicum D3
25 mg., Echinacea D1 25 mg.;
Auxiliary componetns: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, wheat starch.
Types of action and indication for use:
Apply at treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis (inflammation of paranasal sinus: maxillitis, frontitis and others) in complex therapy.
Contra indications and side effects:
Preparation should not be applied at hypersensibility to chrome and also to Echinacea or other kinds of thistle family.
It is not recommended to apply preparation to children up to 3 years because of lack of clinical information.
Allergic response is possible. At allergic skin response (itch, appearance of skin rash), which can appear singly, it is necessary to stop application and to consult a physician.
Excessive salivation after application is possible. In this case it is necessary to decrease the dosage or to stop application.
Considering the fact that there is wheat starch in the preparation, the application may negatively effect on the patients with celiac disease.
Posology and method of administration:
At acute disease children from 3 to 6 years apply 1 pill every 2 hours (not more than 6 times a day) before getting better. At the further treatment apply by ½ pill 3 times a day to complete mend.