We invite you to attend the 10th Stem Cell Summit taking place on April 29-30, 2013 in Boston, MA. This summit includes two concurrent tracks including a few joint sessions. This summit provides cutting-edge information on developments in all areas of stem cell research including the biology, medicine, applications, regulations, and the business of Stem Cells.
Recent developments in pre-clinical and clinical trials of stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, cancer stem cells, stem cell reprogramming, and regulatory policies regarding stem cell research will be addressed. In addition, focuses on the business opportunities, challenges and potential strategies for overcoming these challenges will be addressed. What categories of companies are currently commercially viable? How are they being funded? What kind of strategic relationships are available within the industry?
Track A: Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine:
Joint Session: Funding Opportunities
Joint Session: Regulatory Guidance & Updates
Session: Advances in iPS & ES Cells
Session: Advances in Adult Stem Cells
Session: New Paradigms for Cell Therapy
Track B: Stem Cell Commercialization & Partnering:
Joint Session: Funding Opportunities
Joint Session: Regulatory Guidance & Updates
Session: Novel Technologies in Stem Cell Research
Session: Overcoming Challenges in Clinical Development
Session: Commercialization: Bringing Therapeutics to Market
Session: Partnerships & Acquisitions
Call for Papers!
To be considered for an oral presentation, please submit an abstract here by March 29.2013. Selected presentations will be based on quality of abstract and availability. Presentation slots fill up fast so please submit your abstract ASAP.
Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities are available in a range of levels, which can be tailored to fit your needs. Please contact 626-256-6405 x102 or spex@gtcbio.com for more information.
Best Regards,
Organizing Committee