Немецкий Wilseder Forum, объединяющий студентов-медиков, интересующихся гомеопатией, отпраздновал свое 20-летие (Новости Еврокомитета по гомеопатии)

Немецкий Wilseder Forum, объединяющий студентов-медиков, интересующихся гомеопатией, отпраздновал свое 20-летие (Новости Еврокомитета по гомеопатии)

German medical students love homeopathy

The Wilseder Forum that brings together medical students interested in homeopathy has just celebrated its 20th anniversary in Essen, Germany (30 March-1 April 2012).

The Wilseder Forum has a unique status in the current homeopathic scenery of Germany. It was established in 1992 to bring medical students closer to homeopathy, because at that time medical curricula at universities did not pay any attention to homeopathy. Around 650 students attended the Forum in the past ten years. The Forum provides the opportunity to discuss the work of the various university working groups. These working groups are comprised of medical students who would like to have a good and critical look at homeopathy and convene several times a year.

The Forum is a 3-day event taking place twice a year. In addition to workshops dealing with the university working groups, the Forum offers the possibility of a more in-depth study of homeopathy to all interested medical students. It is an event run by students for students. The students themselves determine the main focus of the programme. For each selected topic speakers are invited for scientific lectures and plenary discussions.

The Wilseder Forum was initiated by the Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation, a foundation established by the late President of Germany Karl Carstens (1914-1992) and his wife Veronica Carstens MD (1923-2012). The main objective of the Foundation is the integration and broader acceptance of homeopathy and complementary medicine in today's medical community.


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