Выпуск электронной газеты Международной гомеопатической лиги за август (August 2012 issue of the LMHI's electronic newsletter "Liga News")

Выпуск электронной газеты Международной гомеопатической лиги за август (August 2012 issue of the LMHI's electronic newsletter "Liga News")

Скачать выпуск за август 2012  ("Liga News", Issue No.7 / August 2012) >>

The topics are:

- LMHI President fosters relations with Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Associations
- International Homeopathy Day 2012 in Turkey: LMHI supports Medical Homeopathy in Turkey / Selling and marketing of homeopathic remedies allowed in pharmacies in Turkey
- South Africa as new member country: LMHI Past President speaks at HSA Congress
- Homeopathy in Modern Dentistry. What is it about?
- Research: LMHI Guidelines on the Clinical Verification of Symptoms / Scientific Framework Homeopathy after the 66th Congress / Recent Research Articles
- Service of remembrance for the 40th anniversary of the trident disaster
- Liga Letter now also available in Russian
- Homeopathic Education: LMHI Medical Education Standards and Accreditation Regulations
- LMHI Congress 2012 in Nara, Japan: Update and Information on LMHI Governance Meetings 2012 / Call for Country Reports
- LMHI Congress 2013 in Quito, Ecuador


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