Venosan complex homeopathic preparation

Venosan complex homeopathic preparation

Trade nomination of the preparation: VENOSAN complex homoeopathic preparation
Manufacturing enterprise, country: Ltd. "Homoepharma", Russia
Drug formulation: homoeopathic granules

Hamamelis C3, Vipera C6, Melilotus C3, Aescelus C3, Millefolium C9
Type of action and indications for use:
Veintonic, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, antiedemic, anesthetic. Regulate blood coagulation.
Apply at:
- varicosity;
- venous thrombosis, phlebitis;
- trophic and metabolic disturbances;
- hemorrhoids.

Contra indications and side effects:
Hypersensibility to the components of the preparation, allergic response.

Posology and method of administration:
Components of the preparation act through the regulation of currant of black blood and hepatic function to the normalization of veins condition, produce the effect of smoothing venous nodosity and hemorrhoids piles, put an end to inflammatory processes in veins. Treatment course starts from 3 weeks (hemorrhoids) to 3-6 months (varicosity).
Apply in the delicate cases by 3 granules 2-3 times a day up to one week.
At chronicle processes the application of the preparation is protracted. Apply only one granule in the morning on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast during 3-6 months with breaks of one week after every one month of application.

Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:

HAMAMELIS - Hamamelis С3 (Hamamelis Virginia in dilution 10-6)
- Venous lake, venous engorgement, hemorrhoids.
- Varicosity, thrombophlebitis, phleborrhagia, hemorrhoids with exsanguinations, orchitis, adnexitis, dysmenorrhea.
- Raise progesterone production by yellow body.

VIPERA - Vipera С6 (adder venom in dilution 10-12).
- Phlebitis, trombophlebitis, stasis ulcer, gangrene, hemorrhagic diathesis, furuncles, polyneuritis, paresis, hepatocirrhosis, quinsy.
- Dysphrasia, tendency to bleeding, especially if there are skin crevices.

MELILOTUS - Melilotus С3 (Plaster clover in dilution 10-6).
- Blood-clotting disorder.
- Convulsions, epilepsy, cephalgia (as a consequence of disruption of arterial tension), varicosity, hemorrhoids, constipation, hyperprothrombinemia, nrombophlebitis.
- Effect of stasis in small pelvis with dysmenorrheal.

AESCELUS HIPPOCASTANUM - Aeskulus 3 (buckeye).
- Varicosity, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcer, follicular pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, lumbosacral aches.
- Effect on vessels (veins), mucous membrane, rectum.

MILLEFOLIUM - Millefolium 9 (sanguinary).
- Phlebopathy, rapid fatigability and heaviness in pelvic limb.
- Effect on vessels (especially veins), blood, muscles.
- Varicosity, hemorrhoids, bloody expectorations, enterorrhagia.

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