


Trade nomination of the preparation: Valoserdin
Manufacturing enterprise, country
Mospharma, Russia, Moscow, Pharmaceutical passage, 1

Registration code: P № 000624/01, 07.08.07 - б/с

Drug formulation: drops for oral administration

Phenobarbital - 2 g
Diethyl ether a-bromisovalerianic acid - 2 g
Peppermint oil (Oleum Menthae piperitae) - 0,14 g
Origanum oil (Oleum Origani vulgaris) - 0,02 g
Ethanol (Spiritus aethilicus 96%) - 52 g
Purified water (Aqua destillata) - до 100 g
Type of action and indications for use:
Functional disorders of cardiovascular systems, neurosis-like state, followed by acrimony, insomnia, tachycardia, excitatory state with expressed vegetative presentation; enterospasms.
Contra indications and side effects:
Hypersensitization to formulation constituent; expressed renal and liver function compromise.
While chronic administration the development of drug dependability is possible; brome congestion in the organism is followed by the next symptoms: depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypotaxia.
Posology and method of administration:
Adults apply by 15-30 drops three times a day before meals. It is possible to increase the single dose to 40-50 drops having tachycardia.
Children apply by 3-15 drops per day depending on the age and the clinical picture of the disease.
Posology and duration of use is settled up by a physician.
Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:
Complex drug. Phenobarbital has sedative and slight soporific effect, it is conductive to decrement of cerebrospinal axis arousal and helps to have natural sleep.
Diethyl ether a-bromisovalerianic acid has a sedative and spasmolutic functioning.
Pepper mint oil has vasolidating and spasmolytic actions.
Method of administration of the preparation during pregnancy or breast-feeding is possible only with strict indications and is settled up by a physician.
While administration it is not recommended to take up with the activity connected with increased attention and required prompt psychic and motor responses.

Retail sale:
Chemist shop of the Moscow pharmaceutical factory (there is a production homoeopathic department in the chemist shop)
Address: Moscow, 4th Voikovskii passage, 10 (near metro station Voikovskaya)
Phone: (499) 150-88-51; (499) 150-44-65
Network of pharmacies:
«Capital chemist shops» (495) 627-05-61
«Old physician» (495) 380-00-38
«Samson-pharma» (495) 917-03-21, 237-44-49, 913-99-66, 320-30-59, 203-20-81, 628-46-92, 251-22-27, 741-48-97, 624-70-48
«Rigla» (495) 730-27-30
«Geksal» (495) 980-52-62
«Zempharm» (495) 980-22-80
«TRiKa» (495) 789-62-63
and other chemist shops

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