Aromatic oil for eliminating of depot fat and modeling the body lines

Aromatic oil for eliminating of depot fat and modeling the body lines



Manufacturing enterprise: China, «GUANGZHOU CORINNE Cosmetics Co. Ltd.», г. Guangzhou, Huato street, 36.

Protocol of sanitary and healthcare inspection № 54.НС.08.915.П.000552.01.08. of January 28, 2008

Provider: Russia Ltd. «Greenway» Novosibirsk, Ermakova street 3, phone 8(383)212-50-55

Composition: microelements of the Dead Sea earth, cypress oil, cade oil, oil of sugar almond.

Action: treatment with massage with oil to muscles improves blood circulation, provides chi and blood moving, improves structure of loose connective tissue, it is conductive to dissolving and burning of subcutis. It is applied at anticellulitis and modeling programs. Oil warms and strengthens spleen? It is conductive to removing of excessive wetness and cold, removes wind and heat. If to apply regularly, figure becomes well-shaped and trim, removes the skin relief, improves turgor and tissue compliance. It may be applied every day or when it is necessary. It is appropriate for home application and professional massage.

Method of administration: it is necessary to rub down after taking a shower using the method of massage of independent parts of the body or of the whole body by method of dissecting of fat deposit in professional programs. It is possible to use massager or roller for strengthening the effect in home application except simple hand-held application. It is possible to apply every day.

Contra indications: individual intolerance of the components.

Date of issue and expiration date are indicated on the pack.

Store at room temperature.

Volume: 150 ml.



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