ANTIHERPES, a complex homeopathic preparation

ANTIHERPES, a complex homeopathic preparation

Commercial preparation name: ANTIHERPES, a complex homeopathic preparation
Registration number:
Enterprise-manufacturer, country: Open Society Organization "Homeopharma", Russia.
Pharmaceutical form:
The homeopathic granules.
Dulcamara C3, Toxidendron (Rhus) C6, Mezererum C3, Ranunculus bulbosus C6, Sepia C6.
Effect forms and application indications:
An anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating, antiseptic, neuroactive action. Used with herpetic appearances of skin rash and of mucous membranes of the face, generative organs; used with complications of herpetic infection - neuritis, neuropathy.
Contra-indications and side reactions:
A hyper individual sensitization to the preparation.
The allergic reactions are possible.
At the treatment of chronic herpes, there is possible the new appearances of skin rash that means a virus discharge out from the neural tissue out. In this situation one should use the staining agent in the outside (eosin, fukorcin, methylene blue, brilliant green). These agents can take the exterior skin rash off.
Method of application and doses:
In acute cases - 3 granules 5-7 times a day till the symptoms change, later - rarer: 2-3 times a day.
With chronic conditions - 3 granules 1-2 times a day with adjournments of 1-2 days every other week.
Treatment duration depends upon the pathology severity.
Special indications and features of the ingredients' effect:
DULCAMARA - Dulcamara C3 (dulcamara in dilution 10-6).
- Increases the antiviral immunity, including with the herpetic appearances of skin rash.

TOXIDENDRON (RHUS) - Toxidendron (Rus) C6 (poison sumac in dilution 10-12).
- Stimulates the antimicrobial- and antiviral immunity, including with the herpes simplex and zona.
- Improves the tissues' trophism with complications of herpetic infection - neuritises, neuralgias.

MEZERERUM - Mezererum C3 (spurge flax in dilution 10-6)
- Activates the immunity, including the tissue's one.
- With the herpetic infection - prevents from complications.

RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS - Ranunculus bulbosus C6 (tuberiferous buttercup in dilution 10-12).
- With the viral diseases of skin and cornea, complications of herpetic infection (including the neurotoxic involvements of the herpesvirus - neuritises, neuralgias).

SEPIA - Sepia C6 (cuttlefish secretion in dilution 10-12).
- Activates the humoral- and cellular immunity, disintoxication liver function, regulates the endocrine metabolism, resolves the appearances of skin rash, especially with weeping, including herpetic appearances of skin rash.

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