Нуреrtensin complex homeopathic preparation

Нуреrtensin complex homeopathic preparation

Trade nomination of the preparation: Нуреrtensin complex homeopathic preparation
Registration code:
Drug formulation: Homoeopathic granules

Aurum Jod C6, Viscuvm C3, Gnaphalium C3, Ignatia C6, Crataegus C3, Rauwolfia C6

Type of action and indications for use:
Hypotensive, spasmolytic, vasodilating, antiatherosclerotic, sedative, nootropic.
Apply at:
- arterial and symptomatic hypertension;
- hypertensive disease of the 1-2 degree;
- vegetative dystonia with elevation of arterial tension;
- tension regulation and vascular tone;
- atherosclerosis, cerebrosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, higher cholesterine level, hypercoagulations.

Contra indications and side effects:
Hypersensibility to the components of the preparation. Allergic response is possible.

Posology and method of administration:
Apply at peracute states (hypertensic crisis) in the composition of complex therapy by 3-5 granules every 10-15 minutes before the changing of symptoms, than rarely, repeat in 1-2 hours to mend.
Apply at prolong application (1,5-2-3 months course) by 5-7 granules in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before meals, with breaks of 1-2 days after a week application and by one week after each month of application.
Repeat the course after the 3 weeks break, if it is necessary.
It is important to control arterial pressure during treatment.

Special remarks and act habit of ingredients:

AURUM JOD - Aurum Jod С6 (auric iodide (gold iodide) in dilution 10-12).
- Regulates tonus of vascular walls, charms away spasm.
- Acts on the cerebral cortex, cardiovascular system, lymphatic glands.
- Atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart diseases, lupus, oophoritic cyst, endometritis, hysteromyoma, hyperthyrosis, aortic aneurysm, induration of adenous organum.

VISCUM - Viscum С3 (white mistletoe in dilution 10-6).
- Redistribution of arterial and venous circulation.
- Action on nervous and cardiovascular system.
- Neuro-circulatory dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, disruption of peripheral circulation, arctation of coronary heart vessels and heart rhythm disorder, pruritus without eruption, precancerous dermatosis and neoplastic disease, alopecia.

GNAPHALIUM - Gnaphalium С3 (waterwort in dilution 10-6).
- Regulate tonus of peripheral vessels.
- Action on nervous system, mucus membranes of digestive apparatus, genitourinary organs.
- Rheumatism, ischialgia, neuralgia, prostatic gland disease.

IGNATIA AMARA - Ignatia С6 (Ignatia, bitter strychnine in dilution 10-12).
- Regulates excitative and inhibitory process in cerebral cortex and bubcortex, in vasomotor center.
- Acts on central nervous system.
- Hysteria, irritability, protervity, migraine (improvement after urination), neurology; spasms, enuresis, headache ("like a nail knocked in somebody's head"), spasms and ulcers of digestive system.
- Increase of skin perceptibility, long, deep breath at breathing, stabbing pain in heart, emotional instability. It is the basic remedy for cortica-diencephalic regulation, leading remedy for treatment of psychosomatic disturbance.

CRATAEGUS - Crataegus С3 (hawthorn in dilution 10-6).
- Regulates heart blood circulation and its functions.
- Acts on cardiovascular and nervous system.
- Cardiac weakness, senile heart, arrhythmia, stenocardia, disruption of blood pressure (it is especially effective at hypotonic state), post infectious and local toxic myocardial damage, cardiac hypertrophy
- Improve myocardial contractility and stimulates blood circulation in coronary vessels.

RAUWOLFIA - Rauwolfia С6 (snaky Rauwolfia in dilution 10 в-12).
- Regulates cerebral cortex functions and functions of vasculomotor center.
- Acts on cardiovascular and nervous system, on gastrointestinal tract.
- Hypertension.
- Neurasthenia, psychasthenia, depression, parkinsonism, insomnia, eyelid droop, blepharitis, palpebral fissure arctation, rhinitis, gastritis, ulcer, arthropathy, galactorhea.

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