The medicinal properties of food herbs

Лечебные свойства пищевых растений Authors:
 - Kiselyova Tatyana Leonidovna - The deputy director general on scientific work - the director of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the Doctor of Pharm. Sciences, the professor.

 - Karpeev Aleksey Alekseevich - the general director of the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the general specialist on traditional methods of diagnostics and treatment of the Public Health.

 - Smirnova Julia Anatolievna - is the senior scientist of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF.

 - Amalitsky Victor Vladimirovich - the deputy director general on the innovation work of the FSCECTDMT of the RF.

 - Safronov Valeriy Petrovoch - the geobotanist, the florist.

 - Tsvetaeva Elena Vladimirovna - the head of the pharmacognosy and botanical laboratory of the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the candidate of Biological Sciences, the professor.

 - Blinkov Josef Lvovich - the medical adviser of Kolomna Medical Centre, the Doctor of Medical Sciences.

 - Kogan Lidiya Israilevna - the scientific worker of the pharmacognosy and botanical laboratory of the FSCECTDMT of the RF.

 - Chepkov Valentin Nesterovich - the head of the information-analytical sector of the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the candidate of Medical Sciences.

 - Dronova Marina Alekseevna - the clinical resident of the Children Diseases chair No. 1 of the Russian State Medical University.
The book authors - the workers of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute of the Federal scientific clinico-experimental centre of traditional diagnostic methods and treatment (of the Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation) who deal with the phytotherapy questions in a professional way.

 - Zilov V.G., the head of a chair of non-medicinal methods of treatment and clinical physiology of the Faculty of the post-graduation Education for doctors of the I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy, the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.

 - Samylina I.А., the director of the scientific research institute of pharmacy - the head of a chair of a pharmacognosy faculty at the I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pharmacy", the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.

The issue contains the information about more than 130 the most significant cultivated and wild food plants of the planet which are the most frequently used on the territory of our country. For each herb there are given the botanical description, its origin and distribution, spectrum of the bioactive substances, indication and contra-indication to use (also in traditional and modern medical practice. The text material is supplemented with colour pictures made by the painter-botanist. The terminology and botanical names are given according to the current normative documents and issues which identify their priority.

Apart from the scientifically-methodical, the issue has the practical and informative significance And it is intended for doctors, pharmaceutical workers, students of medical and pharmaceutical High Schools. The issue attracts interest of a wide circle of readers, especially of those who are interested in traditional methods of treatment, the centuries-old experience of whom has becoming more-and-more needed in the modern (academic) medical practice.

The medicinal properties of food herbs / Т.L. Kiseleva, А.А. Karpeev, J.А. Smirnova, V.V. Amalitskii, V.P. Safonov, E.V. Tsvetaeva, I.L. Blinkov, L.I. Cogan, V.N. Chepkov, М.А. Dronova; By the general edition of the professor - T.L. Kiseleva. - М.: The Publishing House of the NO "Professional Association of Naturotherapists", 2007. - 533 p., with illustrations.
ISBN 5-93854-044-5