The medicinal herbs in world medical practice: the governmental regulation of nomenclature and quality

Лекарственные растения в мировой медицинской практике: государственное регулирование номенклатуры и качестваAuthors:
 - Kiselyova Tatyana Leonidovna - The deputy director general on scientific work - the director of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the Doctor of Pharm. Sciences, the professor.
 - Smirnova Julia Anatolievna - is the senior scientist of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF.

 - Beregovyh V.V., the head of the chair - The organization of production and realization of the medicinal agents, I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.
 - Zilov V.G., the head of a chair of non-medicinal methods of treatment and clinical physiology of the Faculty of the post-graduation Education for doctors of the I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy, the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.
 - Samylina I.А., the director of the scientific research institute of pharmacy - the head of a chair of a pharmacognosy faculty at the I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pharmacy", the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.

The issue contains the information about the current condition of the legislative base in the field of nomenclature and standardization of official domestic and foreign forms of medicinal herbal raw products and herbs' manufacturing. The terminology and botanical names are given according to the current normative documents and issues which identify their priority. The text material is supplemented with unique tables that let understand the whole situation of the nomenclature of medicinal herbs and raw products in Russia and abroad. Into the monograph there are included original graphic presentations of the medicinal herbs drawn by the botanist-painter, the scientific worker of the FSCECTDMT of the RF - L.I. Kogan.

Apart from the scientifically-methodical, the issue has the practical and informative significance. And it is intended for specialists in the field of pharmacy, for scientific workers, developers and manufacturers of medicinal herbal agents, for controlling unit specialists participating in the circulation system of the medicinal agents on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Kiselyova T.L., Smirnova J.А. The medicinal herbs in world medical practice: the governmental regulation of nomenclature and quality. - М.: The Publishing House of the NO "Professional Association of Naturotherapists", 2009 - 295 p., with illustrations.
ISBN 978-5-91800-001-4