Методические рекомендации по расширению номенклатуры отечественных официнальных лекарственных растений The methodical recommendations are approved by order of the Federal Inspection Service of public health and social development from the 1st of October, 2009, No. 7742 - Order/09.

Organizations- developers:
 - FSU "Federal scientific clinico-experimental centre of traditional diagnostic methods and treatment" (Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation), Moscow;
 - NO "Professional Association of Naturotherapists", Moscow.

  - Jurgel N.V. - the head of the Federal Inspection Service in the field of public health and social development, the doctor of Medical Sciences, the professor.
 - Karpeev Aleksey Alekseevich - the general director of the Federal State Institution "Federal scientific clinico-experimental centre of traditional diagnostic methods and treatment" (Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation) (FSCECTDMT of the RF).
 - Kiselyova Tatyana Leonidovna - the deputy director general on scientific work - the director of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the Doctor of Pharm. Sciences, the professor.
 - Smirnova Julia Anatolievna - is the senior scientist of pharmacognosy and botanic laboratory of the Homeopathy and Naturotherapy Institute - the FSCECTDMT of the RF, the head of the informational and analytical department of the NO "Professional Association of Natorotherapists".
 - Barmanova E.J. - the head of the Administration of registration the medicinal agents and pharmaceutical substances of the Federal Inspection Service in the field of public health and social development, the candidate of Biological Sciences.
 - Baldin V.V. - the candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor.

 - Samylina I.А., the director of the scientific research institute of pharmacy - the head of a chair of a pharmacognosy faculty at the I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pharmacy", the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.
 - Oleshko G.I. - the rector of the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, the professor, the candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the professor of the Pharmacognosy chair.
 - Beregovyh V.V., the head of the chair - The organization of production and realization of the medicinal agents, I.M.Setchenov Мoscow Medicine Аcademy, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the professor.

The given methodical recommendations are devoted to:
- the scientifical-practical aspects of expansion of the nomenclature of domestic officinal forms of medicinal herbal raw products for getting the effective and safe herbal medicinal agents with the use of modern resource-saving technologies;
- the scientific substantiation of the differential approach to registration of the specients of medicinal herbal raw products and producing herbs on the basis of experience their world application.
The recommendations are intended for developers and manufacturers of herbal medicinal agents, specialists in the field of pharmacy, scientists, controlling body specialists who participate in the circulation system of medicinal agents on the territory of the Russian Federation. The use of the scientifically sound methodical approaches enables to choose new forms of medicinal herbs and medicinal herbal raw products for entering into the domestic officinal medical practice with minimal expenses of time and material resources; and also to implement a strategical and tactical planning of the scientific researches of perspective herbal items.

METHODICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON NOMENCLATURE expansion OF DOMESTIC officinal MEDICINAL HERBS /N.V. Jurgel, А.А. Karpeev, T.L. Kiseleva, J.А. Smirnova, Е.J. Barmanova, V.V. Baldin; Under the general edition of T.L, Kiseleva. - M.: The Publishing House of the Professional Association of Naturotherapists, 2009. - 88 p.
ISBN 978-5-91800-005-2

The methodical recommendations will be introduced on the VII-th International Congress "Traditional medicine", on the 23-25th of October, 2009, Moscow.